You Require Assistance But Can Safely Live In The Community On Your Own

Individuals eligible for our Attendant Outreach Program have the capacity to live on their own, only needing assistance some of the time. They can directly communicate their needs and have an alternative support network.

Eligibility List:

  • Over 16 years of age
  • Valid OHIP number
  • Have a physical disability which is likely to be permanent
  • Be able to safely live in the community in their own home or apartment without supervision
  • Can direct the person who helps them: knows and can communicate what assistance is required, when it is needed, how it should be provided and can cooperate with the person helping them
  • Be able to have medical needs met by existing community health care network, e.g. a family physician, visiting nurse, etc.
  • Be unable to complete routine activities of living unaided, within a reasonable time or safely be left alone when service is not being provided, i.e., be able to live in own apartment with assistance from the staff on an on-call and pre-scheduled basis
  • Demonstrated ability to manage own affairs: finances, health care, etc.

An individual on Cheshire’s Attendant Outreach Program must have a personal back-up plan that will provide them safety in the event that an attendant is not available.

Contact Ontario Health atHome to apply for Assisted Living or Attendant Outreach Care.